
We are committed to servicing the produce needs of all types and sizes of customers.
We offer personalized service to meet your exact specifications, reasonable deadlines, and are flexible to meet your changing needs. Our goal is to always deliver quality products and enhance our client’s own business on a daily basis.

Products & Services We Offer

With decades of combined experience in the produce industry, Melissa Y Mia has earned a reputation for exceptional reliability and professionalism. Our goal is to serve both the grower and the buyer with honesty and integrity, always delivering quality products and enhancing our client's own business on a daily basis.

Feel free to contact us anytime... Our friendly staff will be glad to assist you.

Common Questions

When is the growing season for Asparagus?

The crop peaks from February through April, but favorable weather conditions can extend the season through June. Asparagus needs moisture to flourish so as soon as the weather heats up, it begins to turn woody and seedy.

What are the nutritional benefits of asparagus?

A 5.3 ounce serving (approximately 5 spears) has only 20 calories, 0 fat or cholesterol, 5 milligrams of sodium, 400 milligrams of potassium, 3 grams of fiber, 60% of the USRDA of folacin, and are excellent sources of thiamin and vitamin B6.

When is the best time for cucumbers?

The Cucumber is a tender, warm-season vegetable that produces well when given proper care and protection. Cucumber season is from May to August.

What is the harvesting season for grapes?

You can buy grapes year-round, although the North American versions (mostly from California) are only available from July to December.